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oAuth2Proxy with AzureAD and Traefik


oAuth2Proxy is a nice component for Kubernetes that adds an authentication layer, transparently, on top of your workload.

The deployment of oAuth2Proxy is quite straightforward, via Helm, but when it comes to the integration with the authentication providers, some complexity arises, mainly due to the fact the documentation is not very complete. To be fair, oAuth2Proxy supports a lot of backends, and while some of these are well documented, for some others the documentation is very limited.

Let's talk about the latter category, in particular authentication with Azure AD provider.

This notes will describe how to configure oAuth2Proxy with Azure AD and expose its login endpoint via a Kubernetes ingress resource.

When it comes to Ingress component in Kubernetes, I like Traefik. It's lightweight, supports a lot of features, is pretty flexible and it integrates perfectly with the Kubernetes ecosystem.

Architecture Diagram

How actually the authentication works?

oAuth2Proxy supports 2 mode of working: AuthServer or ReverseProxy. Since in our setup we already have a reverse proxy - Traefik - we will use oAuth2Proxy only as AuthServer. In this way oAuth2Proxy will check if the provided token (if any) is valid otherwise will trigger a redirect to start the authentication process in Azure AD.

See the diagram below:

graph LR; U[User] -->|Request| T(Traefik Ingress)
T -->|forward auth| OA2P(oAuth2Proxy)
T -->|token is valid| W(Workload)
T -->|token is not valid| AZ[Redirect with 30x to Azure AD]


These notes start with the assumption you already have a properly configured Azure AD App Registration.
In addition, we will assume Traefik is already installed in the cluster.

Conventions used in this notes

  1. We want to configure oAuth2Proxy with the domain:
  2. Our login endpoint will be:
  3. Our application endpoint is:
  4. The app registration we pre-configured in Azure AD give us the following information:
    • <app_id>
    • <app_password>
    • <tenant_id>
  5. We generated a <strong_cookie_secret> via any or the procedures described here.

oAuth2Proxy configuration

Although oAuth2Proxy seems to support native 'azuread' as provider, I noticed it works better with the standard 'oidc' provider.

With Helm, you can ship the configuration via values.yaml file. Use the following configuration:


  clientID: "<app_id>"
  clientSecret: "<app_password>"
  cookieSecret: "<strong_cookie_secret>"
  configFile: |-
    cookie_domains = ""
    cookie_refresh = "1h"
    email_domains = "*"
    footer = "oAuth2 Protected Area"
    oidc_email_claim = "upn"
    oidc_issuer_url = "<tenant_id>/v2.0"
    provider = "oidc"
    reverse_proxy = true
    set_authorization_header = true
    set_xauthrequest = true
    silence_ping_logging = true
    skip_jwt_bearer_tokens = true
    skip_provider_button = true
    upstreams = [ "static://202" ]
    whitelist_domains = "*"

  enabled: true
  annotations: "false" traefik "websecure" "true" "default" oauth2proxy-headers@kubernetescrd
  path: /
    - login.<common_domain>
    - hosts:
        - login.<common_domain>

NOTE: if you check the values.yaml you will see we mention a Traefik middleware (we will create it later): oauth2proxy-headers@kubernetescrd

let's deploy oAuth2Proxy with the usual helm commands:

helm repo add oauth2-proxy
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install -n oauth2proxy --create-namespace oauth2proxy oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy \
  --values values.yaml

oAuth2Proxy and Traefik integration

In the diagram above we mention that Traefik will use the Forward Auth mechanism to check whether a request is allowed to be propagated. This in Traefik is achieved via the creation of a Middleware. This approach will additionally require another middleware to properly set/propagate the required headers. In this case we will use the Headers middleware

From a separation of concern perspective, we can safely consider the Headers middleware strictly related to the oAuth2Proxy functionality, so we will deploy that middleware in the oauth2proxy namespace.

When it comes to protect your application, then the other middleware can be part of your application namespace. This is convenient when you want to protect multiple applications with oAuth2.

For sake of simplicity, in this example we will install both middlewares in the oauth2proxy namespace.

Let's create these 2 middlewares. See the code below

kind: Middleware
  name: headers
  namespace: oauth2proxy
    sslRedirect: true
    stsSeconds: 315360000
    browserXssFilter: true
    contentTypeNosniff: true
    forceSTSHeader: true
    stsIncludeSubdomains: true
    stsPreload: true
    frameDeny: true
kind: Middleware
  name: forwardauth
  namespace: oauth2proxy
    address: ""
    trustForwardHeader: true
      - X-Auth-Request-Access-Token
      - Authorization
      - X-Auth-Request-Redirect
      - X-Auth-Request-Email
      - X-Auth-Request-User
      - X-Auth-Request-Groups
      - X-Auth-Request-Username
      - Set-Cookie


Your application and oAuth2Proxy

Once we created the middlewares, Traefik will automatically discover them and use the headers one for the ingress of oAuth2Proxy.

Now, to instruct our application to requires authentication we can simply add an annotation on the ingress of our application with: oauth2proxy-forwardauth@kubernetescrd

Final Notes

Traefik uses a special construct to refer to Kubernetes CRD. If you checked above you saw middleware references such as auth2proxy-forwardauth@kubernetescrd.
This name represents the structure <namespace>-<resource_name>@kubernetescrd.

What about creating an Azure AD App Registration?

This topic was out of scope of these notes, but you can find an excellent tutorial in this YouTube video.